Our Heavenly Trip Home

Our Heavenly Trip Home...
We, as Christian Women, are going to have a Heavenly Trip Home soon. What does this mean to you? Let me give you some thoughts this morning.
1. You are going to "be flying away" to Heaven. That means, by friend, that we are out of this world, we are going to a Heavenly World for eternally. This means we are not coming back to this dark world, we are only here temparily. But we need to get our life right, are you hearing me? We need to get our prayer life; as well as Spiritual Life, right. We also need to get our prayer life right, take time to get to know your Lord and Savior on a daily basis, not when we feel like it.
2. We also need to serve others, whether it may be our work place, our neighborhood, our church, at the grocery store, does not matter where you are. That is our purpose in life is all about----to spread the Good News of His Soon Returning so He can take His Kids Home---that is you and me, my friend. Just love on the Lord this morning and thank Him now that you are a Daughter of the Most High God.
If this message has been helpful or you need a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior, I ask you to bow with me in prayer this moment.
Lord and Savior, I ask you to come into my friend's life right now so that they can a special relationship with you, they can have everlasting peace that only You can give. We repent of our sins right now, ask your forgiveness and truely repent, help us turn our life around 180 degrees to You, and not half hearted, help me want more of You, help me spread the Word of God to others and live the Godly Life, I thank You for all the blessings in my life, in your Son's Name, Amen.
If this message has been helpful, please email me at barbarabodling@yahoo.com or if I can help you in anyway, please write. I am always here.
Love, Hugs, and Blessings,
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