From My Business Partner...Some Godly Wisdom

This is from my business partner and prayer partner, she is from Hutto , Texas. She is a dear, dear friend, calls me like a Christian sister when I am down in the dumps. Thanks Barbara H, I needed to hear this so bad, thank you so much. Here she is:
Dear Barbara and all those who are hurting,
I will add you to my prayer list. And pass your name on to those who have asked to be added to receive prayer request.
I have a few words to share about depression and sleeplessness:
Sleeplessness, restlessness, and anxiety are all related to and the result of our desire to control our lives and unconsciously not allow God to be in control. When we truly submit our problems to God, and trust that he will provide and protect us, then we can feel at ease. Sometimes we must endure challenges so that he can prove to us that everything will be all right and that we will have what we need if we trust in him. Our trails and tribulations are opportunities for us to show God we know he is there and that he will help us through, that we do not have to worry.
I too have had many sleepless nights. When I start feeling desperate, or anxious, and can’t sleep, I realize that I am not trusting God. I have programmed myself to recognize this and now when I can’t sleep I just start praying for God to help me strengthen my faith in him. That he will forgive me for doubting that he is strong enough and powerful enough to handle my problems. I praise him for all my blessings and begin to count them one by one and I pray for my enemies and for those whose problems are far worse than my own. Before I know it I am sleeping soundly.
Depression is also an emotion that we allow to consume us. It is not of God. God wants us to be happy, even when we experience trials. It is our way of showing him that we trust him. When we allow ourselves to be overcome by depression, we are allowing the enemy to control us. When I realized this, I actually feel guilty for allowing myself to have ever felt depressed.
The enemy loves to see us down. Depression is a decision, we have the ability to decide whether we will be controlled or be happy! It’s really that simple. It’s okay to mourn the loss of a loved one or to feel sadness due to an event. But it is not okay to allow depression to consume us. It is up to us to break free of the chains that keep us bound and that negatively affect the lives of those around us. When you look at depression as a decided inflection that abuses others, you will never allow yourself to go there again. We are all enrolled in the course of learning to be happy, that’s really what life is all about. It takes awareness and practice to reach the ultimate place of contentment. It’s all in how you look at things and what you
compare to. I like to follow the models of happy people who have found happiness through the mind not material worldly possessions or status; Jesus, Gandhi, Mother Theresa. I find that trying to live up to their standards, is far more rewarding
than comparing myself to the conventional standards of society.
Hope this helps you take control and strengthen you faith. Peace be with you, happiness is yours forever, just claim it, love, Barbara
If this has been helpful or you would just like to leave a comment about anything, please do. I am here for you whenever you need a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on.
Love, Hugs, and Blessings,
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