
Do you know what A.C.T.S. is? Well, let me tell you what this means:
s=Sonshine (God)
This is pretty neat stuff when you are living the Christian life in the right way--when you make priority your Prayer Life and your Spiritual Life---digging into The Word of God, a good place to start reading is in Proverbs and then move onto Psalms. You must also have a outstanding Prayer Life to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You must have that 24/7 connection to Our Savior. You also need to bless someone with a random act of kindness. The way you can do this is to send someone a card in the mail or email. I do this frequently, makes a person feel good. One should also find a excellent home church---one that you can be "planted" in, you will not have to worry about going from church to church if you are "planted" in the right church, one that you are fed out, not a meal, by the Holy Spirit.
If this message has been helpful or you would like to leave a comment, please do so or write me at barbarabodling@yahoo.com. I am also taking requests on what you would like me to blog about so please write me at my email address.
Love, Hugs, and Blessings,
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