God Is In The Midst Of Your Trials

God is in the midst of your trials. I bet you ladies did not know that...I had a confusing day today and God was there right along with me. My day started the usual way and then trials came. I ended up going to the Williamson County Courthouse for a problem that my husband was involved in with a creditor. I got in my 1996 Oldsmobile Achieva and started to head toward the courthouse, I was driving along and did not even notice my gas tank, it was running on empty and I have been known to run out of gas. I was driving down the highway and took the wrong exit, I was totally lost and was praying to God that I would fine a gas station soon or I was going to run out of gas and my autoclub was not going to rescue me. I finally found a gas station and filled up with gas and went into the store to pay for it and the credit card was declined, I had no check book that the store would accept, I was praying for help, what was I going to do now, I wondered. Oh, I know, I will cash my unemployment check and I did for a large fee of $18.00, I was a happy camper now.
I asked, "Where in the world was I," I was clueless.
The man told me, "That I was in Georgetown," Good, that is where I wanted to be.
I asked the man, "Where is the Williamson County Courthouse?"
He said, "To go back on the freeway south and take exit 262."
I got in the car and headed that way but went the wrong way, so I turned around and headed toward Williamson County Courthouse. I forgot the old courthouse was being replaced by a new courthouse. I ended up at the new courthouse which is suppose to be opened in a year. Oh, great, just what I needed.
I asked a construction worker for directions to the old courthouse and of course, he was from out of town. I looked at a map for directions and finally found the old courthouse. I had a terrible time finding the courthouse and ended up going through 4 lanes of traffic honking the horn. Can you imagine this scene---just like something out of a movie?
I went to the old courthouse with my paperwork and dropped my paperwork off to the County Clerk Office. I got in my car again and went to lunch at Kentucky Fried Chicken---they had a buffet so I needed to check it out. I got my meal and sat down. I was listening to the music over the PA System and the circular radio station was playing "Jesus, Take the Wheel" and "We Are Family"----I certainly could identify with those songs. I met an elderly lady at the restaurant and she was an author and we started talking about her book.
I asked her, "Where is she from?"
Lois told me that, "She was from California."
I told her, "That I was from California too, and I wanted to know what part of California she was from."
Lois told me that, "She was from Los Gatos."
I told her, "That I was from the San Jose area"-----San Jose and Los Gatos are in the same area.
I asked her, "Where does she live now."
She said that, "She lived in Georgetown."
She began to tell me that she was an author and she belonged to a writing club at La Fronteria Mall at Barnes and Noble----La Fronteria Mall and Barnes and Noble is right by my house. I am considering joining her club because I would like to write a book on my life for hurting men and women. We exchanged contact information. I sat at Kentucky Fried Chicken for 2 hours.
I went home and did the family thing, and had nothing to worry about.
God takes care of everything in the midst of your trials. If we just believe and receive this today.
Father God, thank you that I was able to get the situation with the creditor straighten out. You have told me so many times that I had nothing to worry about and I doubted you and I am sorry. Thank you for showing me some SonShine today in the midst of my trials. In Your Son's Name, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Amen.
If this life story has been helpful or you just need to pray with someone, please leave me a comment and I will get back with you. I am here for you ladies if you need a shoulder to cry on.
Enjoy some SonShine today,
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