Slow To Anger

Slow To Anger
My dear brothers, take not of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,
for mans's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.
James 1:19,20
The subject of anger has been coming up a lot lately. We talked about it Tuesday morning in a study I was attending. How angry King Xerxes got when Queen Vashti refused his command appearance at one of his royal banquets. She was never allowed to enter into his presence again. She lost her position as his wife and his queen. Tonight I read to the boys the story of Cain and Able and what happened when Cain got angry at his brother Able, because God liked Able's sacrifice better. Cain ended up killing Able, he was so upset with him.
Last night, when I was trying to get the boys to bed, they pushed every last one of my buttons and instead of a quiet peaceful bedtime, I ended up tense and angry with them. I apologized to them after Bobby came in and reprimanded everyone, but it still threw the tone of the evening off. I went to bed, tired and discouraged that I'd fussed at the boys. I know better ...
Tonight I made sure that my head and my heart were in the right place before we started the bedtime routine. I didn't want a repeat of last night and the boys must have felt the same way, because all was peaceful and calm as it should be.
But as soon as I read the story on Cain and Abel, I thought, wow, yep, this anger thing is important. God wants us to be quick to listen, to not jump right in with our own thoughts till we hear the story out, and even then, we need to take our time speaking. How many times have I blurted something out, only to wish I could reach out and pull the words back. But once they get out, they are gone. The damage is done. And we must be even slower to anger...because our anger does not bring us anything but trouble. I want to live the righteous life that God desires for me ... I want this lesson to sink into my soul and my spirit and when angry words start to rise up, I want to bite them off, before they are released.
Father, forgive me when I allow my emotions to interfere in a negative way with my actions. Father help me to learn this lesson deep inside my heart, so that all my actions will bring glory to You.
I love you Jesus.
In Your name I pray, Amen.
My Story:
By Joyce Schneider
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