This is from Noman Vincent Pearle and it is from his book "Positive Thinking for Every Day of the Year." I highly recommend this book. You will never go wrong reading about positive thoughts instead of being beaten up by the world and its negative way of thinking about things.
He that is not with me is against me, and he that gathereth not with me scattereth aboard. Matthew 12:30
The call comes to us individually. Are we going to give our lives to Him, or are we going to give our lives to someone else? That is the issue.
We had better be with Him. We will never be truly happy unless we are. We will never find abiding peace unless we are.
Betray Him and you betray yourself. Betray His call to discipleship and you betray your own future. And if a society continues to reject Him, it brings woe upon itself.
But human beings have goodness; human beings have God in them. When they see the truth, they respond and they respond gloriously. When we identify with Him, we cease to betray ourselves and our society ceases to be betray itself. In new faith, we lay the groundwork for a new and glorifious fulfillment of the greatest ideals and principles ever known. So let's come alive. Lets go forth as redeemed people to redeem the life of our time.
Let us bow in prayer.
Our Heavenly Father, help us to face whatever difficulty comes to us and not be afraid. For you are with us and in Your Strength we are indefinitely strong. And in Your strength we can overcome anything --- anything. For this we give thanks. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
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