The Bible is Like a All You Want to Eat Buffet!

The Bible is like a all you want to eat buffet at your local restaurant. You are probably asking "Why?" I would like to present some things that you might not agree with.
The Bible is being picked apart by people. Some of the Bible people like and some of the Bible they disagree with so they pick it apart to their liking. Why is that you may be asking? I do not have all the answers but maybe it makes the Believer feel better about being a Christian. The Bible is written by God and should not be picked apart for our liking. No, it is the Holy Word of God and should be treated as such. It was made over many years ago and should be left alone. Noone needs to pick the Bible apart, just take it for its face value. Christians could be united in the Body of Christ and things could get done in the Kingdom of God. There are alot of souls in this dark world that need to be saved by us. People are searching for answers to life. Lets be the light to their dark world. Let us walk the walk and talk the talk.
Let us bow in prayer.
Lord I thank you that I can take the Bible as face value and not question it. Help me the live the Christian life so people will want what I have. I thank you for the many Blessings in my life. Thank you for saving me with your Grace. I thank you in Jesus Name. Amen.
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Love, Hugs, and Blessings,
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