Supersize Your Prayer Life...Have it Your Way!

Prayer can be a wonderful time with God if we "supersize" it. It can be accomplished by anyone, including you, my friend. Here is some suggestions that Pastor Rob Koke of Shoreline Christian Center explained recently:
1. Pray with Faith-----Please refer to Mark 9:23. Everybody on the planet has faith, even Hollywood. They live the glamous life style and are fooled by a few wierdos out there. Some Athestics have more faith. Why is that? We all have a choice of who we put our faith in. Is it God, Mankind or Hollywood? It says in the Word of God that we should put our faith in God. Our Lord took us out of bondage (Israel) and put us into the Promised Land. We, as Christians, need to connect the dots. Jesus is the best way to live. Jesus said "I am the Way." Our Faith needs to explode. Jesus is God and this means that God has power and we need to make prayer the wise thing to do. We need to reconnect the dots.
2. Pray with the Spirit-----The Book of Acts is a miracle working book of the Bible. There are miracles on every page. Let me give you an example. Paul goes to prison and has a chance to be let free. He decides to preach to another prisoner instead of leaving prison. This is in Acts 1.
3. Pray with the Word of God-----It says in Psalm 22 that when Jesus was dying on the cross and He kept saying "It is finished." We should also cry out to God and our attitude will be calm, quiet, and confident in Our God. It also says in the Word of God that "My God shall supply all my needs"--not some of my needs but all of them. In the Bible, it says in Ephesieans 1, "I am praying for you"---lets enjoy God 24/7.
1. Pray with Faith-----Please refer to Mark 9:23. Everybody on the planet has faith, even Hollywood. They live the glamous life style and are fooled by a few wierdos out there. Some Athestics have more faith. Why is that? We all have a choice of who we put our faith in. Is it God, Mankind or Hollywood? It says in the Word of God that we should put our faith in God. Our Lord took us out of bondage (Israel) and put us into the Promised Land. We, as Christians, need to connect the dots. Jesus is the best way to live. Jesus said "I am the Way." Our Faith needs to explode. Jesus is God and this means that God has power and we need to make prayer the wise thing to do. We need to reconnect the dots.
2. Pray with the Spirit-----The Book of Acts is a miracle working book of the Bible. There are miracles on every page. Let me give you an example. Paul goes to prison and has a chance to be let free. He decides to preach to another prisoner instead of leaving prison. This is in Acts 1.
3. Pray with the Word of God-----It says in Psalm 22 that when Jesus was dying on the cross and He kept saying "It is finished." We should also cry out to God and our attitude will be calm, quiet, and confident in Our God. It also says in the Word of God that "My God shall supply all my needs"--not some of my needs but all of them. In the Bible, it says in Ephesieans 1, "I am praying for you"---lets enjoy God 24/7.
Lord, I pray right now that you show me how to pray the right way. Please give me knowledge and power so that I can pray the only way, supersize my prayer life so that I can enjoy Your Presence 24/7. I thank you for the many Blessings in my life. In Your Son's Name. Amen.
If this message has been helpful please leave me a comment or write to me at --I am here for you if you need help with your prayer life. Please write me.
Love, Hugs, and Blessings,
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