Love Letter from Abba Father

This was in my inbox and given to me byWanda Winters-Gutierrez and her link is Thanks Wanda.
Also this letter was origionally sent to Wanda from a friend of hers. Here is her information:
Abba Father Letter
by Sue Steen Nickel
Copyright 8-29-06
Dear Daughter,
My Daughter all is well. You will see more of my Glory in the days ahead. My daughter I will fix all that you have missed. Just know I hear even your moans and I see each tear that falls. I do not miss anything in your life. For what concerns you concerns Me. You are most precious to Me. I will grant to you all the desires of your heart. Trust Me to bring you through on dry ground. Today is a day of grace and much freedom. You may hear of wars and rumors of wars but do not let that alarm you. For the days are not at an end but at the beginning. My daughter be still and know that I Am God and that I Am able to deliver you every time. My daughter be bold for your confidence comes from Me. I Love you deeply My daughter of great grace and mercy. Do not lean on your own understanding. Trust Me this day to bring you through. Remember that you were made in My image and likeness. Walk in My love today.
Love Eternally,
Abba Father
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