Finding the Way Home

Some of our hidden strength comes from knowing where our home is. Recently I returned from a six-week trip to five European countries, including East Germany. During that time, I seldom spent more than two nights in the same bed. I lived out of my suitcase. For a few weeks, my Bible, my copy of the Moravian Daily Texts with the pictures of my family pasted on its blank pages, my journal and my notebook became my "home." Could I have made it without knowing that after six weeks of such living, I would return to my "place" in springfield, my Haus Geborgenheit (my house of steadfase shelter)? I don't know. The day I saftly returned, my heart was filled with praise to my heavenly Father for providing me with this home base. I think I felt what the Israelites felt when they went back to Jerusalem after being in exile:
We were like men who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter, Our tongues with songs of joy.
(Psalm 126: 1-2)
If there is such joy when we return to our earthly homes, imagine the joy of our reaching our heavenly home!
My oldest son Daniel and his wife Betty work with troubled youth in Austria. One day I turned to my son and asked, "What is your goal in your ministry?'
"To show people the way home," was his quiet answer.
-Ingrid Trobisch
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