The Cross

What does the cross that Jesus died on mean to you? It means alot of things to me and I wanted to share some concepts with you today.
The cross is what Jesus died on. Was there a reason that Jesus died? Jesus died for our sins so that we could all be forgiven and leave our baggage at the back door and move forward with our Christian life. He died with two other people but none of them rose again like our Lord and Savior. He was cruified and rose 3 days later. Jesus' body was badly beaten beyond recognition but He rose from the grave for the world to see. Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene and she told all the townspeople. The people were excited. They were in awe of His Miracles of feeding 5000 people with loaves of fish and walking on the water. Even Peter could not walk on the water but Jesus did. If we were the only people in the whole world, Jesus would have died for you and me. Jesus wants to have a personal relationship with you, my friend. It will be a Godly relationship and Jesus accepts you just the way no matter what you have done in this life. His Love is unconditional. You do not have to prove anything to God to be on God's Winning Team. You do not have to be fat, thin, pretty, ugly, etc. You just need to be you. It says in Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." So, will you accept Him today? God will change your life completely. You will have joy that is unspeakable. Come to Him today, won't you?
Let us bow in prayer.
Lord, I asked you to come in my life today so that I can have a personal relationship with You. I ask you to forgive my sins and help me live for you. I ask you to help me leave my sins at the door forever and not take them with me anymore. I would like a new beginning in my life and I thank you for entering my life. I ask you to help me walk the walk and talk the talk. I thank you. In Jesus Name. Amen.
If this message has been helpful or you just accepted Christ, I would love to hear from you. My email is Thank you for writing to me and have a nice day.
Love, Hugs, and Blessings,
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