How to Look For God!

How does one find God in this dark world? It is very hard to find God in this dark world? Why is this so? Let me leave you a few thoughts today.
One should look deeper for God. ". . . The Lord does not look at things like men look at things. Man looks at the outside, but God looks on the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7 (emphasis added) People look at the color gray and think religion is all about rules. One should look at color instead because color brings freedom to a individual. The Kingdom of God is about love, peace, joy and not about conformity and outside appearance. We need to take gray out of church and make it color. God wants us to see some color and not judge so quickly when it comes to others. A good example of this is that we see a cowboy or Harley Davidson Motorcycle Rider and we think that he/she can't possibly be a Christian. But it is what is in the heart that counts.
One should also look for God in everything. It says in 1 Corinthians 10:26 "for, 'The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it.'" Parents should teach kids to discern and not have this thing about secular vs Christian. You should not limit your kids to just Christian music because you will lose your kids this way. There is nothing wrong with alittle jazz every now and then. One should look for understanding that He has put a great trust in us. God love our uniqueness, and He doesn't want us to get caught in the trap of lifeless religion. We may be able to fool others with our outward appearance, but we can never fool God, for God looks at the heart.
Let us bow in prayer.
Lord, I ask you to help me look for You in everything. I thank you for helping me see things more deeply. I ask you to help me spread the news of your soon returning for Your Children. I thank you for the many blessings in my life. In Jesus Name. Amen.
If this message has been helpful or you want to have a deeper relationship with Jesus, please write me at Thanks. I would love to hear from you.
Love, Hugs, and Blessings,
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