What Does Jesus Mean To You?

What does Jesus mean to you? What was the purpose of Jesus dying on the cross? It says in John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." This means that you are a new creation and the old life is gone. Isn't this something to be excited about? We are citizens in Heaven and no longer citizens of hell. God saved us from the pit of hell. Christians should be excited about this new life and live for Him. We should tell others about this Blessed Hope and free gift that Jesus so freely gives.
In order to develop as Christians, we should belong to a Bible believing church and be planted in the House of the Lord. We also do not need to go from church to church. We need to be spiritually fed in a church so that we do not remain babies in the Lord but develop into mature Christians. I compare the church to food for our family, if we do not eat, we will die but if we eat food daily we can grow. I belong to Shoreline Christian Center and if my family and I did not go to church, we would not know how to be born again Christians. We would not know God and all His promises for our life. We are very active in our church and consider it a joy to serve others. My daughter, Christina, and husband, Robert, are on the Television Ministry, our church is able to broadcast our 11 am service all across the world. Another thing that Robert and I do as a couple is the Shuttle Ministry which means that we are golf cart greeters and take people to their cars in a golf cart. It is all about the Kingdom of God and not about us anymore. We fine it a joy to serve others. What about you? Do you know Jesus? If not, I can lead you to a personal relationship with the King of King and the Lord of Lords.
Let us bow in prayer
Lord, I just would like to prayer for my friend today, that if they do not know you, please come into my friend's heart and make this person a new creation. I thank you for coming into my friend's life. Please help my friend find a Bible believing church so that they can grow in their faith. Thank you for hearing my prayers this day. In Jesus Name...Amen.
If this message has been helpful or you would just love to chat, please drop me a line at barbarabodling@yahoo.com. I am hear for you and would love to hear from you today.
Love, Hugs and Blessings,
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