Marriage God's Way...

Marriage God's Way...The Only Way...
There is a thing in this dark world called a beautiful marriage designed by God that takes place between a husband and a wife. Robert and I have been married for 25 years in September 2006. It was not an easy time, sometimes we could not stand living in the same house and were ready to get a divorce. I have some suggestions for a happy Godly marriage that I would like to share with you. My suggestions are the following:
1. Make time for each other. I suggest that one have a date night, no kids, just you and him. Go to your favorite restaurant or for a walk. My husband and I had a date night recently and we were at a Italian restaurant that we never tried before. We happen to meet our Marriage Pastor and he asked my husband and myself if we were on a date night, we said of course. Of all people to meet in a restaurant, you meet your Marriage Pastor.
2. Keep the lines of communication open. It is really bad when you go to bed angry with your spouse--not a pretty picture at all. Always sit down and communicate on everything you do as a couple from finance to housework. Do not hide anything from your spouse.
3. Get involved in your hubby's hobbies, I never did get involved with my hubby activites at all, I was bored with his activities, one day, I decided to get involved in this thing called computers. It started little by little with just an email account and now it has evolved into a "Pretty in Pink" Woman's Ministry. He is my computer guy hubby for the site. He fixes my messups. Another thing we do is chat away on Yahoo Messenger on 2 separate accounts, Robert in one room and myself in another room, we have a great time chatting back and force, my kids just look at us like we are crazy, no, just in love.
4. Keep God in the center of your marriage, it sure makes your life is alittle easier, at least, you are on the same page. It is fun for both of you to work for the Lord. We had a Godless marriage for 12 years---it was terrible, lots of fights, no fun at all. We now have God in our marriage and it makes all the difference.
If you have any questions or concerns that I can help you in your marriage, please drop me an email at I would love to help you any time that I can.
Love, Hugs, and Blessings,
Great tips! I've been married 16 years and it's better now than ever because I choose to meet my husband's needs. (In return he treats me pretty awesome!)
Thanks for the encouragement.
Thanks so much for your kind words, I have been so encouraged by your comment that I would like to press on with this ministry so I can reach more hurting women. I was kind of getting down on my ministry because I did not think anyone was reading my blogs at all. Praise the Lord, I was wrong about that.
Love, Hugs, and Blessings,
PS: Feel Free to come back and visit anytime. Thanks.
Every marriage needs great tips like these! There would be less divorce if we would just be an active member in the marriage. Sometimes women just need to give our husbands more praise - because if we don't give it to them - them someone else will!! All of our husbands are 'PRAISE DOGGS'- they are just made like that! So be your husband's cheerleader!
Way to go Barbara.
Carol - Texas
We all need to be each others cheerleaders in a marriage, I need my husband to be my cheerleader, especially when the enemy comes to my door as an unwelcome guest. I need that rah rah stuff, it makes me feel important knowing that I am valued as a Christian Wife, Lover, and Mom. I love it, I need that reassurance from my husband, Thanks for visiting my site, come back anytime. We are always open.
Love, Hugs, and Blessings,
My husband and I have been married 66 years on Christmas Day this year. As I told my pastor recently, there have been thorns among the roses, but with God's help and our love for each other, we are now smelling the roses.
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