The Real Thing

We don't have to settle for fake Christianity when we can have the real thing. Why is is that some people want fake Christianity? There are so many hurting people in this world that are lost and would like some hope in their life. Let me give you some thoughts to ponder on today.
We need to realize that we can not live the Christian life without Jesus. Some people go around in life with the word loser written on their foreheads without a second thought of what life can be like for them. We are closer to victory than we think and we do not have to live our life with negative thinking. We can have a personal relationship with Jesus and have the Abundant Life that Christ Jesus promises each Believer. It says in John 15:5 "...apart from me you can do nothing" A good example of this is when we are sick, we make a doctors appointment to feel better. So, lets make an appointment with Jesus so we can feel better today.
Tap into God's grace to connect with God. Our responsibility is to connect with God. We need that personal relationship with God so we can walk the walk and talk the talk.
God wants us to commit, not to performance, but to pursue. We also need to realize that we are all failed humans Our hearts are captivated by what we focus on. We need to be God Chasers for the Kingdom of God. We need to fix our eyes on Jesus and not man. We need to pay attention to what we give our attention to. It should be Jesus each and every time.
Let us bow in prayer.
Lord, I ask you to help me focus my eyes on Jesus and not on man. I would like the real thing when it comes to Christianity, I do not want something fake. Please help me with this issue so that I can have the real thing. Thank you for the many blessings in my life. In Jesus name...Amen.
If this message has been helpful in any way, please leave me a comment or write to me at I am here for you all ladies and would love to hear from you today.
Love, Hugs, and Blessings,
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