Dead Religion, Anyone?

Are you in a dead religion? Some people think they are but being religious does not have to be. Dead things along with dead religion need to be buried once and for all. There are people in this world that are trying to leave God out of religion. One can not take God out of religion so why are we still trying to delete God out of the equation. God is so big and we should celebrate His mystery; lets celebrate and be unreligious. Many people think that bigger is always better and we should dream bigger. We should value and love ourselves. The enemy wants to destroy us by making us devalue ourselves. We always feel that we need to compare ourselves to others, comparing ourselves to the Jones living down the street. We want a bigger house or a bigger car. We need to stop this kind of thinking. Let me give you a few thoughts with this issue.
God loves diversity. Our God loves every snow flake and every snow flake is different. They all have different shapes. One should not try to exchange your life for someone elses life. We all have a purpose. God will reveal His Purpose for our lives in His Timing. You can bet on that! God recently revealed in my life that I need to write for the Kingdom of God. God does not make junk. You are a Sister of the Most High God.
God loves you. Believe this, my sister, because I am telling you the truth here. Some people think that they are not good enough. It is God's Perfect Love that will cast out all fear. One does not have to prove anything to God for God to love us unconditionally. God accepts us just the way we are. There is something worthy about you.
Also, we should know the difference between prominence vs significance. Prominence is like a hand of the body and it can be seen. Significance is like the liver which can not be seen. Significance comes from your value in Christ. Powerful things are done in secret A good example of this is that we are all Secret Agents in God's Kingdom. We need to recognize that we have value and worth in who we are in Christ.
God's Love is amazing. He freely gives it to us. If we would just accept His Unconditional Love, we can have the love we desire as Sisters in the Lord. Lets accept God's Love so that we can live the Abundant Life in Christ Jesus.
Let us bow in prayer.
Lord, I ask you for your love that you so freely give to anyone that asks for it. I would like this love that You give. I thank you for Your Unconditional Love. Please help me live the Christian life and tell others about you so they can have this unconditional love that you freely give to anyone that asks for it. I thank you for the many Blessings in my life. In Jesus Name...Amen.
If this message has been helpful or you are struggling with God's Love and what all this means, please leave a comment or write to me anytime at If you would like a personal relationship with God, please write also. I am here for you and would love to hear from you today.
Love, Hugs, and Blessings,
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