The Lord Is Near

This passage was very significant to me today. My life seemed filled with worries and anxieties. It was the kind of day when I just wanted to pull the covers back over my head and forget everything. Have you ever felt that way?
While reading these verses, I was reminded of the profound truth that prayer isn't something I had to do, rather, prayer is something I get ot do. I get to bring to God every worry and concern that is on my heart today. In fact, I discovered when worry and anxiety knock on the door of life, if the door is opened by prayer, no one is there! God's cure for worry is always the same---prayer---not pulling the covers back over my head. His way is always action. That action begins with making everything known to him.
Why do we get to pray this way? Because "the Lord is near" (Philipians 4:5). This is the key to this entire magnificent passage. Because he is near, we need not be anxious for anything. Because he is near, we have peace within. A deep, abiding peace that passes all understanding. Because the Lord is near, a wellspring of joy fills every part of our lives. And because the Lord is near, our hearts and minds are renewed and restored in Christ Jesus. With this restoration we become, once again, fresh, vibrant and alive Christians.
Then we can understand the importance of taking our eyes off ourselves and thinking instead about whatever is true and noble, right, pure, admirable, and lovely. We can see clearly again that a great deal that surround us is excellent and praiseworthy (Philipians 4:8). This doesn't come naturally to us, does it? But then, God never called us to a natural lifestyle.
This is the encouragement and comfort I received this morning as I set out to face another day under the care and direction of the Holy Spirit.
"Thank you, Jesus, for your power in every part of my life today--renewing me physically, mentally and spiritually."
Hope MacDonald