Our God Makes Hospital Calls

Our God makes hospital calls. I have seen it twice in my family. The first incident happened on December 7, 2001. My husband fell 40 feet off a scaffold and had to be rushed to the hospital for emergency brain surgery. My husband had swelling of the brain and had to have this surgery to save his life. My husband recovered nicely with no permanent brain damage. However, he had to learn everything from walking to reading all over again. Praise the Lord for making a hospital call on behalf of my husband.
The second incident happened last night when my Mom had to have risky surgery on her intestines. Some of the intestines needed to be removed due to a infection. The doctors prepared my Mom for surgery. The doctors operated and found out that there was NO INFECTION; whatsoever, on her intestines. Praise the Lord for making a hospital call on behalf of my Mom.
Our God is still in the healing business. Just believe and receive for His mighty hands to work in your life. Praise His Holy Name.
Lord, I thank you for healing my husband and Mom and for making a hospital call on their behalf. Thank you that I have a second chance with my loved ones. Thank you for the many blessings in their life. Please let this true life story be a inspiration to anyone that reads this blog and that there is a God that works miracles in people's life. In Your Son's Name...Amen
If you have a praise request or even a praise report, please write me at barbarabodling@yahoo.com. I am here for you ladies, 24/7.
Love, Hugs, and Blessings,